
Social Media Tips for Freelance Bloggers

Bloggers are increasingly earning money through writing on other blogs. This trend is likely to continue, as multi-authored and news blogs are gaining in popularity. There’s a need for well-written, valuable content. If you are a writer who is paid, you will be able to get more work if you consistently produce quality content that attracts traffic, comments and links. You’ll have more repeat opportunities as well as more new opportunities that find you.

Bloggers can take advantage of social media platforms to draw attention and increase traffic. Most paid writers believe that their work is done as soon as they submit the article. A little extra work to promote the post on social media can make all the difference. The blog owners pay for the results. You can be more efficient and complete if you outperform your competitors by increasing traffic via social media.

What makes social media a great fit for freelance bloggers?

1. The portability of the device – With social media you can build profiles on various sites that will help you with just about anything that you write. You can build your profiles, and then take them from job-to-job. You can use social media to help promote all of your blogs, no matter how many you have. If you are starting a blog for a brand new client, then your profiles on social media will be ready and capable of producing results immediately.

2. Noticeable Results – Many blog owners that are paying writers are routinely watching stats to see which writers and which posts are producing the best results. Social media will allow you to drive enough traffic that blog owners are likely to take notice.

3. It’s Free – Promoting your work with social media will cost you nothing. You can promote your work for free once you are active on social media, have built profiles and know how they work.

4. Exposure – There is almost no other way to get your work in front of as large of an audience as you can with social media. If you’re using the most appropriate sites and categories to promote your work, the visitors that arrive will be fairly well targeted.

What I learned from promoting paid blog posts with social media

5. The Key to StumbleUpon – A decent StumbleUpon profile is extremely valuable. I’m not one of the top users, but my profile is effective enough that I can submit or review one of my articles and get the ball rolling. If my article is good, several friends might see it and give a thumbs up, or even a review. This will lead to increased traffic. StumbleUpon also offers a lot of flexibility. StumbleUpon will accept almost anything that is of high-quality. You can use StumbleUpon almost immediately and start seeing results. It’s not like Digg where you have to have a very strong profile to have a good chance at drawing traffic.

It is rare that I give my thumbs-up to the content of my main blog. I let it be up to the readers to decide if it’s worth a stumble. However, very frequently I’ll give a thumbs up to my work on other blogs. It can be difficult for some to post their content on social media. I personally don’t see any problem with promoting your own work on other blogs, but I would be interested to hear your opinions on the subject. From my perspective it’s just a little something extra that I am able to provide to the blog owner that is paying me for my work.

6. Don’t Ignore Niche Sites – If you tend to cover specific topics or industries in your various projects, niche social media sites can be another great resource. Niche sites won’t be able drive the volume of traffic of major social media websites, but the quality will be higher. Visitors will also be generally more interested.

7. The Sharing of Information Can Be Helpful – Most social media sites allow some type of functionality for sharing links with your friends. Be willing to share with your friends who you believe will find it interesting. Most bloggers share their work with friends who you think will be interested.

Start with these tips:

8. Commence with major sites – Unless almost all of your paid writing is highly targeted on a specific niche, general social media sites will give you the best results. You can promote more of your writing by creating a profile on a website like StumbleUpon. Focus on the things that will yield you best results.

9. Choose the most noticeable results – One of your goals should be to create results that will get noticed by blog owers. Your work becomes more valuable if they see that you are able to generate a large amount of traffic. Focusing on social media giants is another good reason. If you’re writing for a blog that draws decent traffic, the blog owner may not think very much about a niche social media site that send a few hundred visitors to one of your posts. In contrast, the blog owner would notice if a niche social media site sent a few hundred visitors to one of your posts.

10. Becoming an avid user – Take the time to use the social media sites that you’ve targeted on a regular basis, not just when you need to promote one of your posts. Social media is about much more than promoting yourself. Discover the site, and find ways you can help other people.

11. Don’t Force It – Not every blog post will be a good fit for social media. When you write something that just isn’t likely to draw much interest from this audience, don’t force it. You’ll have better results when you stick to promoting your best work that is well-suited to social media.

12. Create a network of friends – Regardless of which social media site you are using, friends are a significant part of your success. Spend enough time to develop your social media connections. Networks of friends aren’t only important on the social media sites themselves. Bloggers can help to promote their own work by contacting a few blogging friends and asking for social media votes. In this case, building a network of bloggers is a great help. It is important to always be prepared to offer help to others.

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