
WP Login Lockdown Plugin Reviews: Pros, Cons, and Pricing!

Concerned about your WordPress site’s security? Protecting your login page has never been more crucial. That’s where WP Login Lockdown comes in – a powerful plugin that can help secure your site against brute force attacks.

A website’s security is critical to ensuring that it is not subject to hacking and unauthorized access. WP Login Lockdown helps website owners secure their WordPress login page by limiting the number of attempts to login and blocking suspicious IPs.

I’ll review WP Login Lockdown in depth in this article, including its features, pricing, and capabilities. Discover how WP Login Lockdown can enhance your WordPress security, and provide you with complete peace of mind.

WP Login Lockdown Overview

WP Login Lockdown is a security plugin for  WordPress that helps protect your site from malicious attacks. This plugin has a number of security features, such as country blocking and two-factor authentication.

Country blocking allows you to block certain countries or prevent them from logging on. You can also display a custom message to blocked visitors so they know why they can’t access your site.

The two-factor authentication adds an additional layer of protection without the use of annoying apps that generate codes, such as Google Authenticator. Even if someone knows your username and password, they won’t be able to log in without the second factor.

WP Login Lockdown comes in four versions, two of which are built-in and the other from Google. Login Lockdown Dashboard, a cloud-based protection tool that allows users to control IP whitelists or blacklists all from one location.

WP Login Lockdown, in short, is a plugin with powerful features that will help secure your WordPress website. Its features and easy-to-use interface make it a great choice for anyone looking to enhance their site’s security.

WP Login Lockdown Vs. Competition

WP Login Lockdown is a plugin that offers more security for protecting logins than other plugins. It provides advanced options to limit login attempts, block malicious IPs, and customize login settings according to the website’s needs.

The Feature WP Login Lockdown iThemes Security Jetpack Security Wordfence
IP Blacklisting You can say that. You can say that. You can also find out more about the No. You can say that.
CAPTCHA Protection You can say that. You can say that. You can say that. You can say that.
Login Activity Tracking You can say that. You can say that. You can say that. You can say that.
Customizable Lockdown Options You can say that. You can say that. You can also find out more about the No. You can say that.
Email Notifications You can say that. You can say that. You can say that. You can say that.
Two-Factor Authentication You can say that. You can say that. You can say that. You can say that.
Anti-Malware Software You can say that. You can say that. You can say that. You can say that.
Firewall Protection You can say that. You can say that. You can say that. You can say that.
The Brute-Force Defense You can say that. You can say that. You can say that. You can say that.
Pricing Free/Premium Free/Premium Free/Premium Free/Premium

WP Login Security: Key Features

WP Login Lockdown offers a number of features to help enhance security on your WordPress site.

1. Country Blocking

You can block countries that you don’t want to access your website or log in. This will help to prevent malicious attacks and decrease the chance of an unauthorized site access.

You can block specific visitors by using this feature. Choose which countries you want to block, and then customize the message that is shown to visitors coming from these countries. This can prevent website brute force attacks.


The CAPTCHA feature helps to protect your site from brute force passwords, bots, and other malicious software. This is done by asking the user to solve a simple puzzle or identify images to verify that they are human.

Add a CAPTCHA on your website’s login page to prevent scripts and automated programs from trying to access your site. This will reduce the chance of unauthorised access. It works with Google’s reCAPTCHA to defend your website against spam and automated attacks.

3. Detail Log

The program records both successful and unsuccessful attempts, and allows you to view all of them as a report. It can be used to detect suspicious behavior on your site, and you will know what steps to take in order for it not get compromised. You can also see who has tried to access your website and at what time.

4. Two-Factor Authentication

A password-only log-in is more secure with two-factor verification (2FA). All users will be sent an email containing a login link if they successfully log into the website. This prevents unwanted logins in case their information is stolen.

5. Login page that can be customized

With this feature, you can customize your website’s security settings. This feature allows you to specify how many login attempts are allowed for a particular user before they’re locked out, and also the length of time that the lockdown will last.

6. Email Notifications

WP Login Lockdown emails the website owner automatically when there is a lockout or an attempt to log in from a new IP. You can stay informed about any security risks and protect your website by taking appropriate measures.

Prices of WP Login Security Plans

WP Login Lockdown comes in a freemium version, and a basic edition is available from the WordPress Plugin repository. It also offers a premium edition with enhanced features and priority customer support to those who are looking for increased security.

There are two types of versions: free and paid.

WP Login Lockdown comes in both paid and free versions. Each version has its own set of features. Here’s a comparison of the free and paid versions of WP Login Lockdown:

The pros and cons of WP Login Lockdown

WP Login Lockdown is a highly effective and reliable security plugin, despite the minor disadvantages. Let’s explore the pros and cons of using WP Login Lockdown.

You can also find out more about Pros.

  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Enhance login security
  • Select the settings that best suit your needs
  • Including successful and failure attempts to login, you should keep track of all your attempts.
  • When a site lockout happens, the site administrator will receive an email notification.

You can also find out more about Cons

  • Certain features only come with the Premium version
  • Protection against advance attacks

WP Login lockdown System requirements

WP Login Lockdown can be used with:

  • WordPress 4.0 or higher is required.
  • PHP 5.2 and higher is required.
  • MySQL version 5.7 and higher.

To maximize the performance of the plug-in, it is best to host the site in a secured environment.

Install WP login lockdown and activate it

Install WP Login Lockdown by following these simple steps.

Start by logging into the WordPress Dashboard

Register to Login WordPress DashboardYou can log in using your admin credentials.

Step 2: Go to Plugins

Click on PluginsAdd New From the menu on the left-sidebar.

Then, you can look up the WP Login lockdown.

Type “WP Login Lockdown” in the search bar and press the search button.

Installing and activating the Plugin

Click the lockdown next to WP Login. Install Now button. Once the plugin is installed, click ActiveIt is activated.

Use the plugin

You will then be directed to the WP Login Lockdown Settings page. This page allows you to customize plugin settings according to your needs. Most websites are fine with default settings.

Consider uninstalling any other plugins during installation and changing to the WordPress default theme. This will help you determine if your problem has been resolved. Contact the plugin developer or WordPress support if your problem persists.

It is possible that plugins changing the WordPress login screen or procedure can cause issues with compatibility. Test the plugin on a staging site before you put it live to ensure that your plugin is compatible with all other themes and plugins.

WP Login Security Examples

To configure the plugin, you must first activate it. Click on Settings → WP Login Lockdown You can access plugin settings. The settings allow you to choose the number of failed login attempts before the lockout occurs and the length of time the user will be locked out.

Customize Settings

WP Login Lockdown provides a number of customisation options for your requirements. These options include customizing an error message that is displayed to the user after they have failed to login and customizing how long the user will be locked out.

Compatible with other plugins

WP Login Lockdown is compatible with Wordfence, MalCare and other security plugins for an even more robust security solution. Use the plugin with two-factor authenticators to add an additional layer of protection.

Wordfence Login Security for WP

Wordfence, a popular WordPress plugin, offers many security features such as malware scanning and firewall protection. WP Login Lockdown adds an extra layer to security by working with Wordfence. This is done by limiting how many login attempts users can make.

Install Two-Factor authentication

Users must submit two forms of authentication to gain access to their account. This may include a text message code and their password. WP Login lockdown can be used in combination with two-factor authentication to increase the security of your login.

WP Login Blockdown should be installed and configured to provide the best possible performance. The plugin can be configured to match your security needs. You may also combine it with another security plugin or feature.

You can read more about it here:

WP Login Lockdown can be a very useful tool for improving the security of a WordPress site. This plugin restricts access and prevents unwanted logins, adding an extra layer of security against malicious hackers.

WP Login lockdown is easy to use and has customizable settings. It can be customized for your specific website. By limiting login attempts and blocking IP addresses that are suspicious, you can protect your website and prevent it from being damaged.

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